Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lateral Thinking

I saw this puzzle a couple of hours ago and I loved it!

It's called Lateral Thinking and it messes with your head for such ridiculous things. Go ahead, give a try and see if you can decipher these images

This first is an example of how this works

Apparently, you have to Think like a wizard . . .


Ans. = man overboard

Okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it.

2. ------------

Ans. = I understand

OK . . .

Got the drift ?

Let's try a few now and see

how you fare ?

3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/

Ans. = reading between the lines



Ans. = cross road

Not having a good day now, are you ?

Redeem yourself.

5. cycle

Ans. = tricycle

Not easy to figure out ha!

6. ------------

Ans. = two degrees below zero

C'mon give it a little thought ! !

7. knee


Ans. = neon light

( knee - on - light )

U can prove u r smart by getting this one.

8. ---------------
feet feet feet feet feet feet

Ans. = six feet underground

Oh no, not again ! !

9. he's X himself

Ans. = he's by himself

Now u messing up big time.

10. ecnalg

Ans. = backward glance

Not even close ! !

11. death ..... life

Ans. = life after death

Okay last chance ..................


Ans. = think big ! !

And the last one is real fundoo - - -

13. ababaaabbbbaaaabbbbababaabbaaabbbb...

Ans. = long time no 'C'

Time well spent eh? Kill me another day :P


Friday, January 29, 2010

With You

With you I cross cotton barriers

With you I shed diamond tears

With you I see emerald rain

With you I feel petal-touch pain

With you I taste sweet bitterness

With you I feel warm winters

With you I cross shallow oceans

With you I climb candy mountains

With you everything seems possible

With you I'm nothing but confident

Jingle Pants Wearing Tourist Attack

I'm the tourist in my own country who wears pants with bells and takes random photographs of anything and everything.

A few of us went to a friend's holiday house in Tanarimba Janda Baik yesterday for a party. Its such a beautiful house! and its chilly. Some of them had one too many drinks but it was fun, fun and more fun!

Pictures are below but they're not in order. Some are from my excursion around Malacca and some from Michelle's and my shopping spree a few days ago. :)

View from the room I stayed in. Best sight to wake up to

One of my attempts at photography

Pretty lights in Jonker Street, Malacca

Old British architecture, Malacca

View of the swimming pool and lake from the balcony in Janda Baik

Preparation for Shotgun

After effects of Shotgun

Tourist No.1-Michelle

More pretty lights in Starhill Gallery, KL

Tourist No.2-Sheeja

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dead Car

What an eventful day it was. Not in a good way either.

We (brother and I) decided to go back home to Malacca today after my class at 12.30. So we left and took a slow drive since his leg was injured and all. About 40km away from home, the car made a rattling sound, jerked and stopped right there in the middle of the North-South highway, IN THE BLAZING HOT SUN! We tried waiting for about 20 minutes or so before starting the car, but it wouldn't even crank.

We called the AAM people who came after 40 minutes or so. They towed the car while we were in it. I swear it felt as if the car was going to fall off the tow truck at any moment. But we finally reached a workshop in Senawang and my mom picked us up. Good news, we're both alive and kicking and well fed back home.

This is such a pointless post. But hey its my blog and Im entitled to write whatever I like ;)


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I watched the movie 'Fashion' for the second time yesterday. It's probably one of the best hindi movies I've watched in recent times. The plot was realistic and different from what we usually see.

It's a story that brings to light the darker and unseen shades of the fashion world. Fashion is about the rise and fall of a supermodel and her subsequent resurrection. The film was done beautifully and I have absolutely no negative comments.

The clothes were soooo beautiful. The make up was even better. Everyone looks like a million dollars.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Most Random Things

Ever received any random forwarded emails? Well I'm sure most of us would either delete any email that starts with 'FWD:' or report it as spam. But actually, there are pretty interesting things in there. I don't mean the ones that say 'send this to 11 people or bad luck will fall upon you'. WHAT NONSENSE.

Anyway, here are some pictures from one of those forwarded emails that I received. Nothing deep or important. Just a little fun.

Will do, Sir

Looks like BUHS is no longer human, but now a terrior. Buhs Terrier? (Bull Terrier)

I have a pair of NKIE shoes and a pair of RBEEKO boots

Oh I always thought we would go UP if I pressed DOWN. SO enlightening

Looks like someone is trying to widen their market

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stop Staring You Uncouth Idiots!

I post this while still burning with rage.

Why are some people so disrespectful towards women? It's like they do not have sisters or mothers or wives or daughters. Sick.

I went swimming with Michelle today and after 2 hours of swimming and talking, we decided to fulfill our cravings for ramly burger. We walked across the street and were waiting for our burgers when this group of men sat at a table right behind us. The looked like our country's stereotypical uneducated Indian men. The ones with blonde highlights and hair so drenched in gel/oil that it reflected light, the biggest possible rhinestone ear studs, boot cut jeans and a thick gold bracelet around their wrists contrasting against skin which again, reflects light.

So anyway, these people were passing their usual comments, the unmistakable 'Hi sister' (yea right if I was your sister I would kill myself, return to life and kill myself again). These things happen and I can brush it off. I mean, its not right, but unfortunately theres nothing much anyone can do about it. BUT, this one particular guy appears out of nowhere and puts his face about an inch away from mine and stares into it and walks of laughing at his friends saying 'yes, pretty' . Seriously, WHAT THE HELL?!! That was Michelle's and my exact reaction.

I guess all these people do it thinking they can get away with it? I dont know. Well, rot in hell all you people. You do not deserve eyes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Once Aspired to be a Model

When I was 5 or 6 years old people would ask me 'what do you want to become when you grow up?'
My answer would always be either 'actress' or 'model' or something in show business. At that age, I had high hopes and endless dreams. There were times when I would just detach myself from reality and go into dreamland. A magical land where I was famous and all that glitters really was gold.

At that tender age, all I wanted was to be famous. But it was that ambition that indirectly made me realise my love for performing arts. Here I am about 16 years later, not even close to becoming either an actress or a model. I've become a dancer instead. But hey, a girl can dream right?

Anyway, about a week ago, Jas and I decided that we wanted to take some pictures which could be potential portfolio material. A good friend of ours is into professional photography, so we got him to take a few shots just for heck of it. The first set was just us they we are. Hardly any make up and really simple clothes (white top, blue jeans). The second set was of us in traditional costumes, with more intricate make up. The pictures turned out pretty good I must say.

These are some of the end results :) We took about 270 pictures and these are 7 of them before any editing. Au naturel yes
Probably not close to how professional models would look but no harm trying. We love the way we look

I shall pose against a shelf and stare into space


The stunning Miss Jaspreet Dhillon

The Gorgeous Miss Roshindar Dhillon

Oh and Miss Sheeja ;)

I love this shot

Model Material

Well that was a preview of what may or may not be posted in the next few weeks. Any feedback is most welcome :)

Hello 2010!

2009 - What a year it has been.

Yes i know my New Years/Year End post is a little late and I am ashamed to admit that its due to nothing but pure laziness. But hey im back! I cannot believe that a whole year has passed at the blink of an eye. It feels like the year just started. But as the saying goes, time waits for no one.

I shall use this blog as an opportunity to reflect on everything that has happened in 2009.

  • I fell in love, I fell out of love and of course, I fell back in love (I'm not just talking about men, mind you---OR women) :P
  • I started a full time degree and I now wake up with a purpose in life. Its hectic and I can't say I'm loving it. But someone's gotta pay the bills in the future right?
  • A few very important people in my life left the country to do their own thing.
  • I got a new dog, my baby Husky who's nothing less than a menace but i love him to bits.
  • I lost my two and a half year old hamster, Cookie who aspired to be Spiderman.
  • I got to know someone whom I wish I had never met. It made me realise a lot of things, which could either be good or bad.
  • But one of the most significant things that happened last year was my trip to the Land Down Under. Not only was it one of the best holidays I've had, it was also a turning point in my relationship. In economic terms, people would call it a recovery or upswing in the cycle :P
  • I turned 20! Two decades and a teenager no more.

Well I cant remember all the other things. But in short, I believe 2009 has been a good year. After crossing bumpy roads in 2007 and swimming in ice cold seas in 2008, the road is even and the water is warm. For now anyway. I look forward to having another eventful year and blogging about it next year.

Sad thing is, i spent the new year alone. Actually, I was just a bum and refused to get out of the house. It was nice though, being in my fortress of solitude. I started my new year nice and mellow, just the way I want the rest of my year to be................when I'm 70

By the way, I did not make any resolutions. Except one, which is 'I will not make any resolutions' (if that even counts). The reason for this being that it never works for me. If I make resolutions, I know VERY WELL that I'm not gonna keep up to any of them so why even go there? however, if I did get hit on the head someday and decide to make resolutions, these would be some of it (with commentary)
  1. Sleep on time (because I have no worries in life and going to bed at 10 every night is possible)
  2. Exercise everyday (i wish, i wish, i keep wishing, still wishing)
  3. Complete all my assignments at least 1 week before they're due (HAHAHA)
  4. Be more patient (can you see the halo above my head? can you?)
  5. Stop eating fast food (feel free to visit me in the burrow that i will dig when I turn into a rabbit)
  6. Cut down on all the gossip (again, HAHAHA - cut my tongue instead)
  7. ...zzzzz (your reaction at some point during this list)
There, my resolutions. They are pathetic and do not make sense because of how little I care about making them in the first place.

Pictures taken of important moments in 2009 will be posted soon. My laptop died on me a few months ago and all the pictures are in CDs. So maybe when I find them.

I hope all of you have a great year and embrace all your troubles as if they're your closest friends. Be good :)
