Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mind Your Language - It's Engrish, Not English

Language. Its probably more important than money. Really, where would we be without it?

There are times when we tend to overlook things and make little mistakes here and there. But there's a thin line between making a minor mistake and totally changing the meaning of a sentence which ends up in utter nonsense or even worse, a whole new sentence that actually makes sense(more often than not, with an unpleasant meaning)

I've seen a signboard in in India that says 'Welcome to this seop'. What in the name of god is a SEOP??? I think its supposed to be 'shop'.

Anyway, here are some of the ridiculous mistakes that people make while constructing the simplest of sentences. Enjoyyy ;)

Probably the jazz version

So the wicked witch/evil stepmother from Snow White is not a fictional character after all

Prease put the bottre of rotion on the tabre

Vegetable oil, butter, shortening and WHAT?!

Nothing like a refreshing ASS drink on a hot day!

Now we know where the grinch lives!

And if you die, please go to the hospital

So you CAN buy it

Okay, I'll pick a different place.

Yes, they do come in packets now. Just add water.

Anyone hiring? Look who's suffering during the recession

A good meal i'll definitely have!

Talk about being clingy....

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