Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Wait Ends Here

Trebuchet. Yes, that's the font i have been using.

ACCA, how I miss you. I only had two 3 hour classes per week and that too at night. No homework, no assignments and no presentations. I could wake up at any hour, do anything i like during the day and the only thing i had to worry about was remembering and applying 6 months worth of knowledge during my finals.

After my oh so free ACCA days, doing a bachelors degree in accounting has been a rude awakening. I feel like I've been woken up with a huge bucket of ice cold water. It hasn't been easy. Work has been piling up and my first semester is about to end. 3 assignment submissions, presentations and countless phase tests lay ahead.

Despite the horrendous amount of work, I have to admit that I've been having the time of my life. I'm enjoying every bit of it and I wouldn't have it any other way.

And today, the wait ends. The 3 month wait. 3 months that felt like 3 years. I can safely say that for the NEXT 3 months, I'll be prepared to face anything that's on my path, with nothing less than a smile on my face.